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Heads Of MFIU

Heads Of MFIU

Police Colonel Sitt Aye

Police Colonel Sitt Aye served as the head of Myanmar Financial Intelligence Unit (MFIU) from 1-1-2004 to 4-8-2011. 


Police Brigadiar General Soe Myaing

Police Brigadiar General Soe Myaing served as the head of Myanmar Financial Intelligence Unit (MFIU) and Anti-Financial Crime Division (AFCD) from 5-8-2011 to 4-1-2015.


Deputy Director General Maung Maung Kyaw, Bureau of Special Investigation

Deputy Director General Maung Maung Kyaw served as the head of Myanmar Financial Intelligence Unit (MFIU) from 5-1-2015 to 5-10-2016.

Police Brigadiar General Kyaw Win Thein

Police Brigadiar General Kyaw Win Thein started serving as the head of Anti-Financial Crime Division(AFCD) on 31-3-2016 and served as the head of Myanmar Financial Intelligence Unit(MFIU) on 6-10-2016. He served both duties until 26-3-2020.

Police Brigadiar General Tin Aung Win

Police Brigadiar General Tin Aung Win served as the head of Myanmar Financial Intelligence Unit (MFIU) and Anti-Financial Crime Division (AFCD) from 27-3-2020 to 14-4-2021.

Police Brigadiar General Myo Thu Soe

Police Brigadiar General Myo Thu Soe served as the head of Myanmar Financial Intelligence Unit (MFIU) and Anti-Financial Crime Division (AFCD) from 15-4-2021 to 31-3-2024.

Police Brigadiar General Thant Lwin Maun

Police Brigadiar General Thant Lwin Maung has been serving as the head of Myanmar Financial Intelligence Unit (MFIU) and Anti-Financial Crime Division (AFCD) from 1-4-2024 until today.